Finally, there is a hope now that one day we will have bullet train running between Mumbai - Ahmedabad. This will reduce the time of travel from present 7 hrs to 2.07 hrs in case of limited stops and max 2.58 hrs in case it stops at all stations. With a maximum operational speed of 320, we are in for a real speedy treat! It not only promises punctuality (with a deviation of less than a minute), it also comes with a zero fatality record.
It is only once in a while that such game changers come our way. And every time such things enter the market they end up impacting the market they operate in a big way and also things in general. It will do to railways what Mumbai metro did to local transport. People were so frustrated with travelling locally, they started using cabs, pooling with friends etc. Metro brought them back to regular form of transport with the convenience and timely services that it offers. With more phases on the anvil, life of a Mumbaikar will only get easier in future.
Similarly, people had started using flights for travelling between shorter distances to avoid delays and trains in general. With travel time getting reduced to an average of 2.5 hrs, you will have more people going for the bullet train option over flight as you also end up saving on check-in and check-out time in the process. They are expecting a fare of about Rs.2700-3000, with flights charging around Rs.3500-4000 presently, the airline route between Mumbai - Ahmedabad is certainly going to get a run for its money! Buses charge anywhere between 1500-2000 for the same route, not sure what will happen to them as punctuality and convenience is not something that we associate with them!