I came across this good article on itthing.com which discusses the strangest jobs in history. But among these jobs I found the best as well as the worst job profiles. I promise by the end of this post people who feel they have the worst job will fall in love with their current profile! And the ones who feel they already have the best job will have to eat their words! So let’s begin. First profile that we will discuss today is that of a Stercorarius. They were found in ancient Rome at a place where people were living on hills, had no money for plumbing so practically no way to treat their poop! And some were against the sewer system due to its association with foul smell. So the job of a Stercorarius was to travel door to door collecting human waste matter and sell it off to farmers who would use it for their crops. Now there is one question that crops up in my mind: were any of those people (who would give poop to Stercorarius) not farmers? As it is hard to think of any other work they would be doing considering the fact that they were living in rural area and farming was the best occupation in ancient Rome. And if they were farmers themselves then was there a need to give it to someone else! Now let us come to the best profile in the world. It is that of an Orgy planner! (Please don’t confuse it by comparing it with event management!). His job was to plan, of course, an Orgy for the rich. Need I say what all activities it involved and how satisfying this job must be. I am sure many of you would agree to work without pay if you had that choice!
So the moral of the story is if you are not enjoying what your doing currently just think of a Stercorarius and feel happy and if you actually enjoy what you are doing currently (rarest specie in the world) then think of an Orgy planner and feel sad!!
So the moral of the story is if you are not enjoying what your doing currently just think of a Stercorarius and feel happy and if you actually enjoy what you are doing currently (rarest specie in the world) then think of an Orgy planner and feel sad!!